Likes API ========= .. contents:: :depth: 2 The likes API supports creating and deleting likes, as well as fetching information about likes on posts from the site. Creating likes -------------- Creates a like on a post. .. code:: POST /api/1.3/posts//likes Parameters ********** ============= ======= ===================================== Name Type Description ============= ======= ===================================== ``author_id`` Integer ID of the author who likes the post ============= ======= ===================================== Response ******** The response payload is an empty object. .. code:: json {} Deleting likes -------------- .. code:: DELETE /api/1.3/posts//likes/ Response ******** The response payload is an empty object. .. code:: json {} List likes ---------- Fetches a list of all like information for a single post. .. code:: GET /api/1.3/posts//likes Response ******** The response is an array of objects with the following fields: ============== ================ ============================================ Name Type Description ============== ================ ============================================ ``created_ts`` Integer Timestamp ``author`` Object Information about authors who like the post ============== ================ ============================================ .. note:: ``author`` field has the same schema as :doc:`authors`. .. code:: json :force: [ { "created_ts": 1566228955, "author": { "id": , "name": "andreabreanna", "displayname": "Andrea Breanna", "about_html": "This is me", "bio": "", "photo": "https:///res/avatars/default", "fb_id": null, "profile_url": "https:///u/andreabreanna/", "specific_data": {} } }, { ... } ]