Access ====== Description ----------- Allows to branch rendering based on the read access permissions of the current user (logged-in). Example ******* .. code:: xml ... Skeleton Code ... ... Skeleton Code ... Attributes ********** - ``entity`` (required) -- sets up the entity/resource it is going to check access for - *gated_content* -- a generic resource suitable for sites with the content being either gated or not, e.g. IEEE - *current_section* -- a resource that pulls access requirements from the current section configuration. Suitable for Post Pages and Section Pages - *section:12345* -- a resource that pulls access requirements from a specific section with ID=12345 - *section:path/to/section* -- a resource that pulls access requirements from a specific section with path=path/to/section - *current_post* -- a resource that pulls access requirements from the current post configuration. Suitable for Post Pages only - *post:12345* -- a resource that pulls access requirements from a specific post with ID=12345