Sections ======== Description ----------- Render a list of links for public sections. Example ******* .. code:: xml Attributes ********** - (**deprecated**) ``source_site`` (default: *current_site*) -- sets up the context - *current_site* - **author/community** -- for profile pages and community posts pages - **runner/roar** -- for other pages - *parent_site* - **runner/roar** -- for all pages **NB**: Ideally, we want to separate elements ```` and ```` for loading Site Sections and Author/Community Collections respectively. For the sake of compatibility, we still have to use ``source_site="parent_site"`` if we want to display Site Sections on Author/Community pages. But in all other cases we prefer this attribute is omitted. - ``parent`` -- Parent section path - Can be a section path - Can be a Skeleton Expression - ``order`` (default: manual) - manual -- for manual order in Sections Dashboard. - title -- for ordering by section title - posts-count -- for ordering by post count (descending order) - ``show_posts_count`` (default: false) -- display the number of posts in each section - Can be true or false - ``hide_empty_sections`` (default: false) -- hide empty sections - Can be true or false - ``show_checkboxes`` (default: false) -- show checkboxes instead of links - Can be true or false