Paywall API

Our Paywall API provides access to subscription management.

All access to paid content is managed through subscriptions and attached email qualifiers.

Access to requested pages is granted when a subscription with a matching email qualifier exists.

Email qualifier

Email Qualifier Description Personal email qualifier Group email qualifier


Authentication for Paywall API endpoints is implemented via sessions. A sessionid with the correct session token is required. The paywall uses an internal Permissions API for authorization.



Name Type Description
id Integer Subscription ID
account Object Account object
name String Subscription name
subscription_type Integer Type of subscription (see below)
date_start String Activation date
date_expire String Expiration date
max_member Integer Maximum number of members of group subscription
status_active Boolean Activation status
status_count_of_member Integer Current number of all members
status_inactive_member Integer Current number of inactive members
status_active_member Integer Current number of active members
status_login_count Integer Number of login via subscription
company_name String Company name of group subscription
email_domain List List of email qualifiers


Subscription types are individual and group


Date format is %Y%m%dT%H%M%S


Name Type Description
id Integer Account ID (matches Roar ID)
name String Account name
type String Account type

Read subscription

Get detailed information about subscription.


GET /core/paywall/subscriptions/<subscription_id>

Response example:

  "account": 1,
  "name": "RebelMouse",
  "subscription_type": 1,
  "status_active": true,
  "status_count_of_member": 100,
  "email_domain": [
  "id": 1,
  "company_name": "RebelMouse"


account field is Integer and refers to

Update subscription

Update existing subscription.


PUT /core/paywall/subscriptions/<subscription_id>

Payload example:

  "account": 1,
  "name": "RebelMouse",
  "subscription_type": 2,
  "status_active": true,
  "status_count_of_member": 100,
  "email_domain": [
  "id": 1,
  "company_name": "RebelMouse"

Response example:

  "account": 1,
  "name": "RebelMouse",
  "subscription_type": 2,
  "status_active": true,
  "status_count_of_member": 100,
  "email_domain": [
  "id": 1,
  "company_name": "RebelMouse"

Create subscription

Create new subscription.


POST /core/paywall/subscriptions/

Payload example:

  "account": 1,
  "company_name": "RebelMouse",
  "email_domain": [
  "name": "RebelMouse",
  "status_active": true,
  "subscription_type": 2

Response example:

  "account": 1,
  "name": "RebelMouse",
  "subscription_type": 2,
  "status_active": true,
  "company_name": "RebelMouse",
  "email_domain": [
  "id": 2

List subscriptions

Get all available subscriptions.


GET /core/paywall/subscriptions/

Parameters are:

Name Type Description
limit Integer Number of items in response (max. 100)
offset Integer Skip first N results in response
date_start String Filter subscriptions where date_start greater than param
date_expire String Filter subscriptions where date_expire less than param
subscription_name String Filter by subscription name

Response example:

  "total_count": 1,
  "account": {
    "id": 1
  "subscriptions": [
      "account": 1,
      "name": "RebelMouse",
      "subscription_type": 1,
      "status_active": true,
      "status_count_of_member": 100,
      "email_domain": [
      "id": 1,
      "company_name": "RebelMouse"