

This is an experimental feature. If you are interested in exploring its capabilities, please ask your Account Manager to enable it for your site.

Webhooks allow users to receive notifications for events that take place on RebelMouse. HTTP POST requests are performed for the configured URLs, we can setup different URLs to deliver webhooks for different actions.


You can inform us about the headers that need to be included in HTTP POST requests, but by default they are formed with the following default headers:

Name Value
User-Agent RebelMouse/0.1 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; http://rebelmouse.com) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1
Content-Type application/json


Notifications can be triggered during the following actions:

  • "draft_create"
  • "draft_edit"
  • "draft_delete"
  • "draft_publish"
  • "post_schedule"
  • "post_unschedule"
  • "post_create"
  • "post_edit"
  • "post_delete"
  • "post_unpublish"

Request payload

When a webhook is delivered, the HTTP POST request includes the following information in payload:

Name Type Description
user_id Integer ID of the user that performed the action
post_id Integer ID of the post
post Integer Post data
post_url String URL for the published post
action String Action performed