Sections API

The section API supports creation, deletion, and updating of sections that can be used to categorize your content.

Creating sections

Creates a section.

POST /api/1.3/sections


Name Type Description
title String Title - Required
url String Slug - Required
tags Array of strings Tags - Optional
status Integer
Status - Optional
- 1: Private (Default)
- 2: Public
- 3: Unlisted
about_html String About - Optional
meta_title String Meta title - Optional
page_settings Object Page settings - Optional
url_header_image String URL header image - Optional
header_image_id Integer ID of the uploaded header image (it takes precedence over url_header_image) - Optional
parent_id Integer Parent section ID - Optional
extras Object Custom fields - Optional

Page settings

page_settings is a set of configurations that can be enabled or disabled.

Name Type Description
open_in_new_tab Boolean Controls whether the section must be opened in a new browser tab - Optional - Defaults to false
allow_community_posts Boolean Controls whether community posts can be published in a section - Optional - Defaults to false
hide_from_entry_editor Boolean Controls whether the section is listed/available in entry editor - Optional - Defaults to false
lock_posts_after_publishing Boolean Controls whether posts published to a specific section must be locked - Optional - Defaults to false


After a section is created it will automatically be populated by posts that contain any of the configured tags for that section.


    "id": 100,
    "title": "My section",
    "url": "my-section",
    "full_url": "my-section",
    "status": 1,
    "meta_title": null,
    "page_settings": {
        "hide_from_entry_editor": false,
        "allow_community_posts": false,
        "open_in_new_tab": false
    "about_html": "",
    "tags": ["foo", "bar"],
    "url_header_image": "",
    "site_id": 9,
    "created_ts": 1507918417,
    "order": 3,
    "parent_id": 0,
    "type": 2,
    "extras": {},
    "header_image_id": null

Editing sections

Edits a section.

PUT /api/1.3/sections/<id>


The same response structure used in Creating sections is also used here, however there are no required fields.


After a section is updated it is automatically assigned to posts that match by the new tags added and is going to be unassigned from articles by the removed tags.


The same specification from Creating sections section applies here.

Deleting sections

Deletes a section.

DELETE /api/1.3/sections/<id>


Name Type Description
destination_section_id Integer Destination section ID - Optional


Parameters need to be sent by query string. Posts are going be moved to destination section if any.


The response payload is an empty object.


List sections

Fetches sections information.

GET /api/1.3/sections


Applying the following parameters will filter the response.

Name Type Description
include_fields Array of strings Fields to include in response – Optional
exclude_fields Array of strings Fields to exclude in response – Optional


It returns a list of objects described at Creating sections section.

Get a single section

Fetch a single section by ID.

GET /api/1.3/sections/<id>


The same specification from Creating sections section applies here.